1939 Funeral of Antoinette Korda-2's niece Agnes Skibba-1
Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune
10 Aug 1939
Personal Mention
Mr. and Mrs. August Kirschling [Antoinette Korda-2 married to August Kirschling-2] and son and daughter, Melvin [Melvin Kirschling-1] and Bertha [Bertha Kirschling-1], of the town of Stockton have returned from Buhl, Minn., where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Agnes Violet [Agnes Skibba-1, note Minnesota Death records lists "Elizabeth Agnes Violette" who died in the county of St. Louis (where Agnes was a school teacher in Brevator Township according to the 1930 census) on 5 August 1939], held Tuesday morning. Mrs. Violet was the daughter of Mrs. Kirschling's sister, Mrs. Frank Skibba [Gusta Korda-2 married to Frank Skibba-2] of Buhl, formerly of Stevens Point.
Labels: 1939, AgnesSkibba-1, AntoinetteKorda-2, AugustKirschling-2, BerthaKirschling-1, FrankSkibba-2, GustaKorda-2, MelvinKirschling-1
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