Sunday, August 8, 2010

1918 October. Josephine Korda-2, Auto tips over.

Stevens Point
23 October 1918


Mr. and Mrs. Jos Swetala [Joseph Swetalla-2 and Josephine Korda-2] and their five children drove up from Lanark last Saturday and all except Mr. Swetala remained over Sunday to visit at the home of her parents, Anton Korda and wife [Anton Korda-3 and Susan Czech-3], 661 Prentice street.

On their way to town the Swetala family had a mishap which might have been very serious but resulted in only slight injuries to the youngest child. Just before reaching the sharp turn in the road at the new concrete highway a short distance north of the Wisconsin River Paper & Pulp Co. mill, the car was slowed down to a speed of five or six miles but [approaching?] the curve, it tipped over and spilled out the occupants. Practically the only damage done to the auto was the breaking of the windshield, smallpieces of glass striking the baby on the side of its head and barely cutting the skin. All the others escaped without injury.

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