Sunday, December 20, 2009

1938 Obit for Paul Korda-2's first wife, Agnes Muszynski-2

Stevens Point Daily Journal
8 December 1938

Mrs. Paul Korda
[Agnes Muszynski-2]
Mrs. Paul Korda, 49, wife of a native of Stevens Point, died Friday at a hospital in Chicago. She had been ill and a hospital patient for two weeks.

Mr. Korda [Paul Korda-2], whom she married in Chicago, is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Korda-3, 661 Prentice street. He survives with three sons, Ray [Raymond Korda-1] of Chicago and George [George Korda-1] and Bobbie [Robert Korda-1] at the Chicago family home.
Funeral services were held Monday morning at 10 o'clock in Chicago where burial also took place.
Those who attended the funeral from away included Mrs. Joseph Swetella [Josephine Korda-2] of Amherst, Mrs. August Kirschling [Antoinette Korda-2] of Arnott, Mrs. M. Durand [Mae Korda-2] of Stevens Point and Mrs. Anna Collier [Anna Korda-2] of Flint, Michigan, all sisters of Mr. Korda, and Mrs. Collier's daughter, Mae [Virginia Collier-1], also of Flint.

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