Friday, November 20, 2009

1913 Wedding Jennie Korda-2 to John Kubiayk-2

Stevens Point Daily Journal
September 23, 1913
page 1

Married at St. Peter's

Miss Genevieve Susan Corda [Jennie Susan Korda-2], daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Corda [Anton Korda-3 and Susan Czech-3], 661 Prentice street, and John M. Kublick [John Kubiayk-2], son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kublick [Andrew and Katie Kubiaczyk-3] of Antigo, were united in marriage at St. Peter's church, Rev. Father Elbert officiating, at 9 o'clock this morning. The bridesmaid was Miss Marie Corda [Mae Korda-2], sister of the bride, and the best man was Steve Kublick [Steve Kubiayk-2], brother of the groom.

The bride wore a gown of cream brilliantine and carried lillies of the valley and the bridesmaid's dress was of cream marquisette over pink silk and she carried pink roses.
Mr. and Mrs. Kublick left for Antigo for a short visit, after which they will return to this city, where they will make their home.

[Note: I speculate that the names Jennie and Mae were not "Catholic" enough for the nuns at the school or for religious rituals like baptism and weddings so that Genevieve and Marie were Jennie and Mae's "Church names".]

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